Monday, 3 June 2013

Debugging node.js

ndb  -  Command line debugger.

Eclipse debugger plugin for V8.

Node inspector is a graphical debugging tool for node.js.

To install node inspector module

$ npm install node-inspector -g

To enable debug mode

$ node --debug  your/node/program.js

To pause script on first line

$ node --debug -brk your/short/node/script.js 

To use profiles panel, install v8-profiler module:

$ npm install v8-profiler

start node in debug mode

$ node --debug app.js

node inspector optionally supports the v8 profiler.
it collects cpu and heap snapshots.

--trace-gc  option to watch gc behavior.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Format of NPM Package

NPM package is a directory structure with package.json file. 
Package.json file basic flow as follows

{ name: "nameOfPackage", version:"1.1", main: :mainModuleName", Node Modules[46] modules: { "mod1" : "lib/mod1", "mod2" : "lib/mod2" }

To search a package, use the following command,

$ npm search nameOfPackage

Help command as follows

$ npm help <command> 

Find NPM Package:

$npm install moduleName

Saturday, 19 January 2013

JavaScript Introduction

       JavaScript is a light weight ,interpreted programming language. It is the most popular scripting language which is used by many popular browsers like Mozilla, Safari,Opera,Chrome etc.
      JavaScript is embedded directly into Html Pages.

Features of JavaScript:

Embed into HTML:
 JavaScript can be easily embedded into HTML pages.

Events :
It will react to events like clicking button,finish loading page etc.

Read/Write HTML elements:
It is used to read/write HTML element.

It is used to validate form data beform submitting to the server.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

what is node


                Node is a pltatform built on V8 which is already used by Google crome.It was created by Ryan Dahl.In order to execute javascript,
             Node is a platform for writing serverside javascript for writing scalable internet applications where as Javascript is for writing client side script.It was created by Ryan Dahl.
Every function in node is Asynchronous,nonblocking i/o.
Node applications uses asynchronous event driven model.

Node consists of lots of modules and no need to write from scratch. Node is a combination of tho things, run time environment and a library.




Thursday, 10 January 2013

Non Blocking I/O in Node.js


Difference between Blocking and non blocking

In blocking, we can read file one after the other in a time interval.

Non Blocking:
In non blocking, we can read files at same time.

Call Back in node.js

We can add call back in node.js in two ways
1.Write a call back inside a method
fs.readFile('/abc/def',function(err,data) {
2. Create a variable for call back and add call back to the function.
var callback=function(err,data){

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Filesystem module (fs) in node.js

File system module is to access files on the disk.

To use the module, use   "require(fs)  "  and all the methods have synchronous and asynchronous forms.

Asyn form always takes completion call back as a last argument and 1st argument for exception. If the operation completed successfully, it returns null or undefined.

see this example

var fs=require('fs');
var bf=new Buffer(stats.size);,bf,0,bf.length,null,function(error,bytesRead,buffer){
var txt=bf.toString("utf8",0,bf.length);

Event mechanism in node.js

Node.js is an Event driven like Dom. When user interacts with particular interface, then there is an event.

Node.js created EventEmitter class to provide basic event functionality.

require('events').EventEmitter  to access EventEmitter.
This class contains different events

1.emitter.addListener(event,listener)  or  emitter.on(event, listener)

all the EventEmitters emit event newListener when new listener ads.

session.on(change, function())

session changed.




2. emitter.once(event,listener)

it adds one time listener for event and it invoked only next time event fired.

it removes a listener.


it removes all listeners.


defaultly it will print warning if more than 10 listeners added to particular event. Set zero for unlimited listeners.


It returns an array of listeners for an event.


it executes each listeners in an order.